We need
your help

We surpassed our Giving Tuesday Goal of $25,000 thanks to several magnanimous donations. Click Here to see our current donor list.

We now enter our 2023-2024 Capital Fund Campaign on firm footing after a successful Giving Tuesday Kickoff. The Capital Fund Campaign goal for 2023-2024 is $100,000.

Donate Now

Last year we completed several projects including major repairs and upgrades on our pools and decks which cost over $90,000. Each year our goal is to raise enough money to cover the cost of the annual repairs. We did not achieve that goal last year. This year, we must complete several necessary projects to keep this 100+ year old building in shape. Those projects include fence replacements, significant masonry work and security upgrades. Other projects will inevitably arise. Your donations support all these projects which in turn support the programs we operate.

The PCH is a unique and magical place that brings our community together in a safe, fun and wholesome environment. The PCH has served each and every one of us at some point in our lives. You may not be using the House today, but most likely you have, or one day you will, come to Our House to enjoy one of our many exciting programs again. Help us pay it forward, and keep this over 100 year old building a home for future generations.

Please support the Purchase Community House by making your tax deductible donation today. Donations of any size are very much appreciated..

Donate Now

Giving Levels

$10,000 + Grand Patron
$5,000 - $9,999 Patron
$2,500 - $4,999 Benefactor
$1,000 - $2,499 Leader
$750 - $999 Sponsor
$500 - $749 Supporter
$250 - $499 Friend
$10 - $249 Booster

Our Board of Directors:

Shannon Anderson *
Chuck Atanasio ***
Andrew Benerofe
Loren Canell
Justine Gaeta
Jennifer Ginter
Matthew Jossen ***
Farzie Khan
Jeremy Lang ***
Jessica Levinson-Andruk
Eleanor Mytych
Carolyn Rodier ***
Scott Sherman
Sam Shusterhoff
Spencer Weinkle **

* Board President
** Fundraising Chair
*** Fundraising Committee
As always, Capital Fund donors will continue to be duly recognized by giving level in future PCH publications and at future PCH events. While we know you do not give merely for publicity, your gift will undoubtedly motivate others in our community to join in this important quest.

If you would rather not be recognized in any formal listing of contributors, please indicate that on the donation form and include the form with your donation. If you are donating online and wish to remain anonymous, please check the appropriate box on the online donation form before submitting your donation.

If you donated in the past and want to change how your name is listed, or if you are donating for the first time and want your name listed a particular way, please indicate that on the donation form and include the form with your donation. If you are donating online and want your name listed a particular way, please indicate how you want to be listed on the online donation form before submitting your donation.

Checks are made payable to Purchase Community, Inc., a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under I.R.S. code 501(c)(3). The mailing address for checks is Purchase Community, Inc., 3095 Purchase Street, Purchase, NY 10577. Donations are tax deductible as provided by current Tax Law.

If you work for an organization that offers a matching funds program, please consider exercising that option.